Ffmpeg python generate mp4 in memory
Ffmpeg python generate mp4 in memory

ffmpeg python generate mp4 in memory ffmpeg python generate mp4 in memory

It can be done, but I'd start with the 'read-entire-file-to-memory. The next 420x360x3 bytes afer that will represent the second frame, etc. It's also possible to do a streaming approach where you read a little bit of the file from S3, pump it into ffmpeg, and then stream the upload piece by piece, but it's a bit harder because you either have to use non-blocking IO or multiple threads/greenlets (e.g. If the video has a size of 420x320 pixels, then the first 420x360x3 bytes outputed byįFMPEG will give the RGB values of the pixels of the first frame, line by line, top to bottom.

ffmpeg python generate mp4 in memory

Later I will make something a little more complex out of this ffmpeg command. Now we just have to read the output of FFMPEG. You can make this a little more useful (or you can just run the code in the cmd). From an FFmpeg supported resource You can pass a local path of video (or a supported resource) to the input method: video ffmpegstreaming. It can be omitted most of the time in Python 2 but not in Python 3 where its default value is pretty small. import ffmpegstreaming Opening a Resource There are several ways to open a resource. In sp.Popen, the bufsize parameter must be bigger than the size of one frame (see below). The format image2pipe and the - at the end tell FFMPEG that it is being used with a pipe by another program. In the code above -i myHolidays.mp4 indicates the input file, while rawvideo/rgb24 asks for a raw RGB output. Import subprocess as sp command = pipe = sp.

Ffmpeg python generate mp4 in memory